Dannika and Mom (me) got up early and attended a Live Session at the Temple. If you have never done this, it should be on your to do list. Very wonderful. Seemed like the tension just hung in the air after that. We knew the purpose for our trip, and it seemed inevitable. After a year of preperation, it was really happening. Quick pictures out side of the hotel, and we were on our way from salt lake to Provo.
Once in provo, because we had two cars, and they only let you take one into the MTC, we opted to stop at a local park close by for everyone to say good bye, and take the last few pictures. Lots of tears, and letters back and forth. It was wierd that you could have a sick feeling in your stomach, but that at the same time such a woderful feeling that we knew Dannika was doing the right thing. Kyle and I left all the kids at the park with Salis, Mykal and Etney, and took the short drive to the MTC.
there was a Sea of elder missionaries waiting to take the bags of each missionary arriving. It was an amazing site. I was so choked up, i forgot to get the first "official MTC" photo. which i am a little bummed about.
But the two elders that came to get her, asured me that they would take good care of her, and off she went. We were excited for her, but a little worried for her with all the new that she would be experiencing.
The drive home was hard, but it seemed that with each mile we got ferther from Provo, it was just a little less hard. We know she is in a good place, and we know that she is doing what she needs to be doing at this time in her life. I couldn't help but worry her first night. I worried "is she anxious with all the new people to meet and to get to know and to have to talk to", Is the total new invironment just overwhelming, can she sleep tonigh." With that, we had family prayers, prayed she would be ok and were off to bed.