Oh dear Family,
it sounds like you all are so busy. That can be a good thing
sometimes, but a day to yourself is always appreciated. i hope that you all are
able to find time to see the tender mercies of the Lord.
Anyway, i havebeen so excited to get to email you Ya'll this
week. so as you know, i have 2 new companions, Sister Paepaetaata and Sister
Reese (she's the greenie)
Sister P. is great, she is so funny, always keeps us
laughing and keeps the tripanionship fun!
Sister Reese.... she is so great! she is form
mt caramel utah (where ever that is :) she reminds me of a scared, timid
and unsure baby missionary i used to know....
watch her as she tears up just talking to people and my heart aches for her,
because i KNOW how hard that was to keep those tears back with every word. and
as she struggles to learn the lessons, and as she compares herself to her
trainer, or when i see her in the rear view mirror as she sits in the back seat
and silent tears fill her eyes, because she misses home, or counts the months
she still has and wonders what she got herself into.... i want to make it all
better, because i know the despair that follows all those thoughts and
emotions, but i also know the joy that comes when those trials are overcome
through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know the joy that is there when you
realize that you know more, and can do more than you thought, because you have
the Lord on your side.

I have really tried to be observant and tried to talk
to her when the spirit has told me to. I have had words of encouragement and
questions come to my mind to tell and ask her, and as i have followed the
spirit and talked with her, i have found that she had been helped by this. She
has told me on several occasions "sister nielsen, you always seem to know
what to say to make me feel better" this has made me rejoice not in myself
of course, but in the fact that Heavenly Father knows all of us perfectly and
he knows what we need, and when we need it to help us through our struggles. he
knows what sister reese needs and he helps her through other sisters like
myself and sister p. Sisters that know what it was like in the beginning!
I am so grateful for the things i went through at the
beginning of my mission, not only did then force me to rely on my savior and
become stronger, but now i can use them to help sister Reese! and i can promise
her that things will get better, because they got better for me! I just love
the way the Lord works. He truly is the great orchestrator, and he does it
so lovingly!
So now on to the not so spiritual experiences of mission
life... ha ha ok so i am somewhat embarrassed to admit this, but im gonna do it
anyway, cuz i now have the right to brag. k so, there is a family here in
Lilburn that does what they call THE LAW.... dun dun dun.... so what it is, is
an eating contest... yep. so the law is you must eat 2 plates of
heavy Haitian food (rice, beans, chicken, pasta, salad, brussel sprouts,
and rolls) then you must eat a bowl of fruit, then you must eat a dessert.
Then.... for the sisters, you have to eat 8 snickers ice cream bars, and 10 for
the elders. you must do all this to get your name and picture in "the
book" then there is a King and Queen of the law and if you want, you
can try and take the crown form them.... so sister Paepaetaata holds the title
as queen with 13.... excuse me "held" the title up till last
night....oh yeah... Sister Nielsen is the current reigning Queen Of The Law
with 14 snickers ice cream bars consumed!!!!!!!
Im am somewhat proud and disgusted with myself for having
consumed that much food. but i had to do it in order to have the full
experience... ha ha! I have never been so full/sick in my life.. I never want
to see another snickers bar in my life! Now i really can't wait to get on a
bike... lol ill be working off the calories from that meal for the rest of my
mission... ha ha.
Anyway family, i have to get going, but i love you and
appreciate all that you do for me. have a blessed week
Love your favorite sister missionary
Sister Dannika Nielsen.