hey fam! 

Hopefully Sister Flock got ahold of you last night to tell
yall why i didn't write you yesterday! but if not, I was right in the
middle of emailing yall and the computers went down. so we got permission to
email today!
So this week has been a struggle, quite honestly.
On Tuesday we were selected to join some other missionaries
that president selected to come to a special training by a brother from the MTC
his name is Brother Zeidner. he taught on the importance of loving the people
that we serve... what we can accomplish with love... it was the most spiritual
meeting I have ever been in thus far on my mission. I was ready to go out and
love people! it was amazing! We have been employing this in all of our
appointments and we have seen miracles! it has been incredible. That has been
the great part of the week, but we have talked to many people and we have
plenty of potentials but all the appointments that we set up fall through...
its been really hard to feel effective when we aren't getting in with anyone.
So we are really focusing on the less active mambers in the
ward, reaching out to and helping rescue them. Less active work is some of my
favortie work. these people already have a testimony, we are there to fan the
now smoldering embers of what once used to be a flame, into a glimmer of hope
and then into a flame of testimony. help them become reconverted to the gosple.
the progress with them gives the same thrill as helping someone
prepare for baptism!
We are working with one lady who has tremendous faith, but
somewhere she got offended and swears that she will NEVER step foot in the
church again... but the other day when we were visiting her she said that
she might come back one day... that one day could be this week, or it
could be five years form now. we never know, but the lord does, and
he uses us to help that along. when ever it is, that will be such a
great day! I love her so much and i want to see her come back to church and
watch her life be transformed... and i know that the gosple can do
that for her!
ATAYA guess what! do you know a Riley, he was in your
math class with you. in Mr. McCulloh's class he was friends with Brandon lee
and Michaela... well guess what. he is serving here in my zone!
yeah oh my what! ha ha
we figured out that he knew you when he told me that I
looked just like one of his friends in highschool I asked where he went to
highschool and he said twin and I said your friend's name wasn't ataya was
it... and he was like YEAH IT WAS... oh my what! such a small world!
ha ah I gave him your email address(i hope that's ok) so maybe you
will get an email from him on Monday.... and I have his but it is in our apartment
so ill get it to you next week. but how crazy is that!
Well im not really sure what the lord wants for me to
learn from all of this opposition we are facing, probably patience in his
timing, but i keep pressing forward hoping that he will bless me as i remain
diligent and obedient. i know he will, so i will continue to press forward
having a perfect brightness of hope! because as nephi says i know that the
Lord will provide a way for me to accomplish his work. so i will go and do!
Thanks for telling me about the sister who reads my
blog. i don't know what you are putting on that blog, but it must be some
pretty good stuff ha ha!! I want to meet the missionary in that blog she
sounds fabulous ! ha ha I was beginning to wonder if i was making any sort
of difference out here, my physical misson may be limited to GA but i guess
it's effects are limitless! how cool is that! that was pretty neat. i
guess if i can help uplift and edify anyone thorugh the spirit, i have
fullfilled my purpose!
Im so proud of Tenna! she is so adorable in those pictures.
all the sisters just love her pictures and think she is the cutest thing! i
have to agree! no one has a cuter little sister than i do! ha ha well family i
hope that your week goes well and i love yo all so much!
untill next week
PS: uh, i don't know what is wrong with my debit card, but
it hasn't been working, will you look into that for me?
love ya
Sister Dannika Nielsen