This week was pretty neat.
I experienced my first exchange... Honestly, i was not happy
about this, because i was to stay in the area and be the senior companion... i
wasn't excited about this because i was certain that i couldn't do it and that
i didn't know the area well enough and that i couldn't teach well enough... all
sorts of negitive thoughts flooded my mind and i became just plain grumpy about
The exchange happened against my wishes, and the Lord
humbled... in the MOST loving of ways. I took control of all the teaching
appointments and was able to speak my mind without too much trouble i was
able to find my way arround with the help of a GPS,... but then it died... and
i didn't even get stressed out about it, which i totally had reason too.
Finally we got to our last appointment of the night,
with our now recent convert! It went suprisingly well!! She was
concerned about not having a testimony about Joseph Smith so we went over the
restoration with her again, she was very happy, she said that she had learned
more this time around because last time, she said " i was so close minded"
after the lesson i asked her to close the lesson with a prayer and to
pray to know if Joseph Smith was a Prophet. She began trying to get out of
praying, but i persisted and told her that i really believed that she would
recieve an answer if she prayed at the end of the lesson. Hesitently, she
agreed, and we all got to our knees. Before she started she looked at me
and said " I am going to try starting out with "Dear Heavenly
Father" instead of Dear God."
I was thrilled that she wanted to try this because she was
pretty adiment before that she was always going to use Dear God because that
was what she has always done and "Dear Heavenly Father" was awkward.
So she began... when that phrase crossed her lips the spirit immedietaly
filled the room and and there was NO doubt that she felt this too, her prayer
was BEAUTIFUL!! and at the end she looked at me and said " i think i will
use "Dear Heavenly Father" from now on." I was so
excited! and filled with so much love for her! So although i was very
upset about the whoe excange and everything, at the end of it, i was very
greatful... and humbled to know that me Heavenly Father loves me enough to
challenge me, and then show me that i can do tackle the challenge and that i
know more a than i give myself credit for. He humbles me with care and concern
and with perfect love.
So saturday was orbaptism up at Lake
Lanier and it was absoutely beautiful. By the look on Elder Yates Face when he
got into the water... it was very cold HA HA!! I was glad to be
a Sister Missionary, Dry and warm on the beach! 

I have been so blessed to be one of the missionaries
that has helped this family in their journey to baptism and as i stood
there on the beach of lake lanier i was filled with so much love for this
family and feeling so blessed to be a missionary... i can't believe i am
actually out here, actually serving a
mission, bringing the Lords children unto
him! Heavenly Father has answered my prayer with so much more
than i expected! i had prayed that we would be able to find and
teach one person... all i asked for was just one... to find
and teach form Lesson one to baptism... and he gave us a family! How
merciful is our Lord!! He gives me so much more than i ever deserve and then
keeps on giving, i am not worthy of all the blessings he gives me!
Love your Favorite Missionary
Sister Nielsen!
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