So This week was great! we had our investigator with us at
conference. She LOVED it. she had written some questions down, and she said
that they were all answered! HOW GREAT IS THE LORD!
anyway, i know she will be getting baptized soon... we are
seeing her tihis week and are going to give her a date for the 21 of april! She
already agreed to be baptized, and after she said she would, she asked if there
were any classes she needed to take in order to be baptized.... ha
ha yep... we will teach you all you need to know!

Family, this young woman is so spiritually mature, she
amazes me. She is the motherto 4 beautiful little girls and she is only my
age... she has been through so much and has a wealth of wisdom from her
experiences... she is such a good mom! I know that in the gosple she can
find peace and she is so prepared to recieve it. I have never met a person who
is more prepared for the gosple than she is at this time in her life! We
love her so much. she is already telling us that she want's invitations to our
weddings... these people that we meet out here are our friends forever.
Our missions are not just eighteen months, but we will be serving these people
for the rest of our lives... when you help someone find something as
precious as the gosple, you become a permanent part of their lives.... i
love this calling! i love these people! and my heart will be torn when i
am released. I really can't wait for yall to meet these people who will
forever have a piece of my heart.
well family i love you so much and i hope your week is going
Sister Dannika Nielsen
Sister Dannika Nielsen
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