Well.... i am sitting here staring at the computer
and this email isn't
writing itself.... but i don't really have much to say... this week was pretty
much normal no real fun stories to tell this week.

We are still working with our 9 year old investigator. he is
so much fun. I just love
him. The other night, we were
over at his house for dinner and then had a lesson afterwards... the lesson was
just the baptismal interview questions, so it went pretty quick, then when we
finished, he said... " i made a game, do you want to play it with
me?" so he brings out this little board game that he drew on a piece of
paper... he said "i made one like yours." it was the cutest thing
ever! so we played it with him.

It really hurts my heart
to think about leaving the
people that have touched my life here. We had stake conference this last
weekend and i was able to see all the families form the Lilburn ward... i loved
getting to see them again, but it was so sad to think that i will soon be saying
good bye to them.

There is a song that talks about missionaries being torn
when they leave their mission... and that is the perfect was to describe it...
i love my family, and i am excited to see them, but i also love the people here
and i don't want to leave them.
Well family i hope yall have a good week ill talk to yall
LOVE ya!
Sister Dannika Nielsen
Sister Dannika Nielsen
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