Well to begin my email this week! It was great to get to
hear my wonderful families' voices! yes only voices, technology hates me! and
Skype didn't work properly again, but that is ok I still enjoyed every bit
of it!
I realized something very special this holiday season, and
please don't take offense, because I love yall and I so enjoyed talking to
you! But even though I am far from family this holiday season, I was still
able to enjoy myself because I was with people I have come to love! That night
after we hung up. My district had made their way (caroling)
to the members house where we were skyping. just as we hung up
they knocked on the door and began their attempt at
but not everyone was on the same page and others began singing a different
song entirely... it was quite comical. but as they abandoned hope to salvage
their effort, Brother Mauryama (the member) invited them all in for
hot chocolate
while the water was being heated, we all sat in their living room and
went through the hymn book singing the Christmas songs. 8 missionaries,
both brother and sister mauryama and their 4 children were all stuffed onto
couches and chairs and all were singing!
it was the most wonderful feeling to look around the room and watch each
person sing with an expression of love and happiness on their
faces. all of us praising the Savior's coming for he truly is the reason
for the season. I felt so warm and happy there in this families home! it
made our parting a bit easier on me... because It is hard to hang up with
yall! After we were through singing we drank hot chocolate and
joked with the family... each of us trying to see how long we
could get our spoons to stay on our noses
... :)
I got chosen to share the thought so I read about Christ's birth in
the book of Mormon and bore my testimony of he savior, then brother Mauryama
thanked each of us for making their Christmas
they just moved from Hawaii three months ago and were unsure of how
Christmas would be without their family. Brother Mauryama became emotional as
he blessed us with success and happiness! it was the most wonderful feeling! I
realized that we are all part of Gods family and because of that, we
can enjoy Christmas no matter who we are with! it was such a
wonderful way to end the Christmas night, and a memory that will not
soon be forgotten!

That was my Christmas miracle!
This week held more miracles for us too!
We were able to talk with many different people and
bare frequent testimony of the love that our Savior has for His Fathers
One instance in particular. Last night as we were tracting
we decided to knock one more house before leaving for dinner. we knocked
and this wonderful man answered and he began talking with us... he was a bit
skeptical at first, he thought we were Jehovah's witnesses but we told him that
we were actually Mormons this only made him slightly less skeptical... he
went on to tell us some of the things he didn't agree with in our
doctrine... all of which were misconceptions... and I was able to quickly
and lovingly correct him... and he didn't seem to have much more to
say. He then went on to tell us about himself and his children and
foster children and some experiences he has had with them. He has been
part of many different religions and never liked any of their doctrines,
so he decided to worship on his own... I could feel the faith of this man,
and the love that he has for his children and for God! I felt
the need to tell him that. so I did... I told a complete stranger how much I
respected and loved the faith that he had. He was touched by this and I
could immediately feel Gods love for one of his beloved sons. I will never
tire of feeling this feeling! it is the most wonderful thing ever! I hope that
all yall are able to feel that at one point or another in your life. It is one
thing to feel the love for some one that you love already, but to be able
to feel it for a man/woman that you have just met is a completely and
totally different experience and the most exhilarating feeling! he continued
talking to us, he did make it clear that he was happy with his
current beliefs and he said that we wouldn't be able to change him. I just told
him "we are not looking to change you, we are looking to invite
you to learn more about your savior and follow his
example." The lord will change him... not us! He still resisted,
but he did tell us that he thinks that having a communication with god Is
important, and he does have a communication with him. Again I was urged to
share testimony. so I said "that is so true, the lord loves when we
communicate with him, just as any loving parent would, how do you feel
when your children communicate with you?" he thought about it for a second
and then he said, ya know, you have a great point... I do get kinda upset when
my kids go forever with out calling me. that makes complete sense that God
would feel the same about me. it felt so good to feel the spirit bare witness
to him that what was being said was true. one last attempt, I gave him our
card and invited him to check out our website and that if he ever did find
himself curious, that he could come see what one of our services is
like! he respectfully declined my offer. and we were on our
way. There was nothing about that contact that was negative and I did my
best to make sure that he was good and invited. I felt so good as I walked
away from his house! I felt uplifted and better having talked to him! I have no
doubt that he will be one to embrace the gospel if not in this life,
defiantly in the next! What a good man!
Now a little humor (and a miracle) from the week... so we
received a referral from the collins hill sisters for a man named Jerry, they
said he was really promising and took a book of Mormon and said he would come
to church! so we take down his number and we call him. I am on the phone with
him and I am listening to his voice the whole time I am thinking
"why does his voice sound so familiar?" I listen and listen and
finally it hits me! OH MY WHAT! I turn to my comp and mouth to her
"on my goodness it's "chester" (that's what we named him cuz we
didn't get his name) she starts laughing hysterically... so why is this so
funny!? Just a few weeks earlier we had met this man... he is actually the
"homeless" man that i told yall about that hit on me... yeah... what
are the odds that something like that would happen! ha ah! Anyway, Turns
out that Jerry is living with his sister here in Lawrenceville now...
and we are going to try and get him some help and hopefully begin teaching
him because there are no such things as coincidences in the lords work.
I hope that yall are still reading the Book of Mormon with
me. Even though I am not keeping track of the days I have left, the
fact that we are nearing the end of the BofM is a pretty good indicator
that my time is short. I never thought this day would come... heck I
never thought that this past 15 months would ever happen in my life. I've never
felt that I was cut out for such things... I've always felt that ive lived a
life of mediocrity... not someone who has great accomplishments...
but this February will mark the end of my greatest accomplishment and I
could have never done it with out the support of yall and most of all, the
support for my loving Father in Heaven!
Well have a great week! until next time
Sister Dannika Nielsen
Sister Dannika Nielsen