Hi Family! This week has been a bit crazy so lets start with
Monday... Monday morning study was great stress level was normal but ill say it
was at about a 2 because excitement for transfer calls... then i found out that
president wanted me to be a sister training leader in roswell with sister
hamilton as my comp... stress level is now at a 5... we spent the rest of
the day emailing cleaning and i packed... yay! Tuesday was bitter sweet.. today
i said my good byes to the people whom i have grown to love. But i was able to
bare testimony to each of them of Christ and so the spirit was with us all day
long... i was able to commit one of our less active members who absolutely
refuses to step foot into a church building to come for my farewell fireside
in February... long way out i know, but she said she would come and see me
off then... thus stepping foot inside a church building.... plus i KNOW
that she won't be able to leave that building without feeling the spirit.
so that will be great for her! I was able to get a priesthood blessing from the
bishop which helped to calm my nerves and give me some comfort and counsel
from my Heavenly Father! I needed that! i love that heavenly father allows
worthy men to hold and use this power.. it truly is a blessing in my life!
i know my Heavenly Father loves me because he allows for his
priesthood to be here on the earth today! by now my Stress Level is a
3! Wednesday... TRANSFER DAY... dun dun dun... i was surprisingly calm,
sister hamilton showed up at the church building at about 8:30 we
said good bye to our comps and headed out for johns creek. the apartment
is super cute and the nicest apartment ive lived in so far... the
ward sounds amazing and so missionary minded! we taught met a less
active man, he was the first person i met here in johns creek... and he is
great, he is retired, but his wife works so he is at home all day by himself
and he gets lonely so we talked with him. he is an old rancher and LOVES to
deer hunt! he told us all kinds of stories! He is very familiar with Idaho cuz
that is where he likes to hunt! I liked having someone to talk to about home!
He invited us back on Saturday to help him paint his house! then we went and
taught some of "our"now progressing investigators and i
found out just how amazing sister hamilton is and figured out what all i
lack! Then the rest of the week has defiantly been humbling.
i've felt like ive taken a step back about 7 months and im back to that scared
little missionary that struggled through her days. My companion is amazing
she is such a great teacher and even though i am technically the
"senior" companion i still feel far far inferior to her... it's been
a struggle. I ve found myself wondering if ive even learned anything from the
past 10 months... my faith is defiantly being tried and Satan is
there at every turn to capitalize on my insecurities. Ive defiantly
spent a few nights crying myself to sleep. but finally i told heavenly
father that i refused to go back to the place that i was in, in the first three
months of my mission. I am not going to go back there. i can't go back there.
if i do, what i've learned would all be for nothing! So i have taken the things
i have learned from that struggle and i have tried earnestly to apply
them to this situation... i find myself doing a lot of positive self talk
and also just praying silently to my Father to get me through this struggle.
ive had to really be patient with myself, this is certainly hard to do,
but if ive learned anything, i've learned that it is not impossible. Ive
learned that faith is Christ will get us through anything! ive spent
the last 10 months telling and testifying of this to people in suwanee and
lilburn and now i am again having to put it to the test her in Johns Creek! My
stress level from Wednesday to now has been far above a 10...
and we haven't even started our duties as STLs... if i don't die because
of this it will be a miracle! ha ha!
and we also found out that not only are we over the Roswell zone, but we
also take in the lilburn zone too... that is 16 sisters we take care of,
teach and train... oh boy... im pretty sure the Lord has called me here to be
the one to get trained, because i hardly feel like i can help these sisters... they
are already so amazing.. they will probably train me! in fact, i know
they will train me! i really am the lucky one... i get to learn form all
these great sisters!

Well family, how is the reading going? i know it's alot of
Isaiah chapters and they are hard to make any sense of... well at least they
are for me... yall my not have problems with them... but what i like to do is
pick out little bits and pieces that stick out to me... like this morning for
instance... in 2 nephi 13 i only highlighted a few verses :10 "Say unto
the righteous that it will be well with them; for they will eat the fruit of
their doing" The reward for the righteous will be sweet , but the
reward for the wicked will be bitter... i don't know about yall, but if i have
to eat the fruit of my works... i want it to taste good....
:13 and 14 This is what i got out of it. this is just
my opinion... i loved it because it talks of how christ will
judge us... but first he pleads for us and then he joins with the prophets and
apostles, bishops and stake presidents etc. all the judges in israel to
judge us... we will have panel of judges so to speak to help plead our
cause, not people who don't know us, but people we have worked with and
who love us... we have such a loving Heavenly Father who wants to give us
all the possible chances for success that he can... ive learned a bit about the
way heavenly father loves us as i have pondered and thought about the kind of
STL i want to be... Heavenly Father loves us perfectly and he never does anything
to benefit himself... everything he does is for the benefit of his
children... and that is what i want to emulate as i interact with these
sisters... i want to help them love their missions as much as i love mine, i
want to help them strengthen their testimonies in their savior i want to help
them experience the powers of the atonement for themselves... i want to love
them like i know that my Father in Heaven loves me... i really am
excited for this opportunity to serve these sisters... but that only makes
me stress out more... because i want to be the best STL
that Heavenly Father wants to make me!
Keep reading the book of mormon... i know it will help to
strengthen you as you struggle with things in your life. the scriptures hold
the answers to our prayers and will help us strengthen our faith Jacob 4:6. If
you want to speak with your heavenly father... pray... if you want heavenly
father to speak to you... read your scriptures... i know this is true... God
does speak to his children through his holy scriptures.. i have found this to
be true here on my mission. am i the best at applying it...no, but i know it's
true and i know that through the atonement of my savior Jesus Christ, i can be
cleansed and perfected... i love this Gospel and i love my savior. well family,
wish me luck this week. i love you all
Sister Dannika Nielsen
Sister Dannika Nielsen
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