Hey Family!
Glad to hear that you are all still reading the book of
Mormon I am noticing so many more things this time through as well! that
is great that you are going to give a BOM to your friend! and as for Kristi,
you are absolutely right... all you can do is invite her and then let
her use god given right of agency to chose what she wants... testify to
her and then let her choose... in Preach my gospel is says that you can
know that you are a successful missionary when you feel the spirit bare
testimony through you...
Well I guess your ward could be meeting at 8:30 like our
ward here in Lilburn meets... It could be worse... It could ALWAYS be worse.
I am glad to hear all that you are learning from
reading the book of mormon. Please keep sending things that you are
learning... I need some inspiration.... this past week was a struggle... I told
you about sister cefalo's toe... well turns out that the rest of our p
day on Monday was spent in the ER... the mission doc ordered her to the ER to
have it looked at and turns out... it's broken! yep... so they put her on
pain killers and antibiotics... and they made her violently ill and so the rest
of the week we didn't leave the apartment much at all... talk about cabin
fever... then we spent 4th of july evening in the ER again because the
antibiotic she was on gave her and infection...(we did get to see some
fireworks on the drive home from the ER... silver lining
) so
needless to say, not a whole lot got done this week and boy did Satan have
a hay day with that... I felt miserable all week because we couldn't get
out and work, and Satan really made me feel awful about it!

Saturday was better though... sister cefalo was feeling a
tiny bit better so I kind of took advantage of it... I didn't push her
more than she was willing to push herself though. we went to visit a sister in
an assisted living facility. as we made our way to her place
I felt sort of uneasy about visiting her... I felt that our time could be
used better elsewhere... so I told sister cefalo about what I was thinking
and then we decided to go to the park that was near this sisters place and
we met a really great couple and we were able to visit with them,
and they asked us what the difference was between our church and theirs...
so we explained the authority and prophets, but the real miracle happened
when I pulled out the extra copy of the book of Mormon I had grabbed
from the car before we set out. I told them that the book of Mormon
was something else that set us apart from other Christian faiths...
then out of nowhere... well not nowhere it was defiantly by the spirit I
told them that the book of Mormon could help answer the three questions
that all humans ask themselves... where did I come from, why am I here and
where am I going? when I said this, the girl asked us... well do you
believe in heaven and hell? the spirit took over as I opened my mouth
and told her just a bit about the plan of salvation... the spirit accompanied
my words and I knew that she felt something! she said she would
read the book of Mormon and pray about it! it felt so good to have the
spirit bare testimony through me, because I hadn't had the opportunity to feel
that very often this week! this is one of my favorite feelings in the
world... I knew that what the spirit put into my mind, was what this
daughter of god needed to hear! unfortunately they were from south Carolina...
but I know that she not only heard some truth but she felt it
too... hopefully she will act on those feelings!
Sunday we went over to a sisters home in the ward... she is
struggling with some custody issues with her daughter so we went over there to
visit with her and I honestly had no idea what we would share with her, but as
I just listened to her, the words a scripture kept coming to my
mind so I shared it... I had no idea what I was going to say about
this scripture, but I just opened my mouth and the spirit was there to back me
up and the spirit was so strong as I told her that the savior was
with her every step of the way and that he knew how she felt. and
then the sister that came with us also bore testimony and it was so perfect! I
hope it helped her to feel some comfort. it was a great experience though.
it helped me to strengthen my faith in the promise that the spirit will
fill our mouths if we follow it's promptings... this is so amazing, I love the
experiences I get to have out here. I am realizing what it really means to have
the gift of the holy ghost as a constant companion... I am able to realize when
I feel the spirit and the situations in which I don't... my entire mood
changes... I am a bit on the grumpy/depressed side when I don't have the spirit
with me... and I am getting better at being able to
consciously realize what the problem is and ask my heavenly father for
help and work to change it... like Tuesday for instance... we had district
meeting and I wasn't feeling the spirit I was a bit depressed and I
let it get the better of me for a while, but then I finally realized what was
happening so I said a quick prayer and I asked heavenly father to help me
to change my attitude, and give me an opportunity to bare testimony and
feel the spirit... almost immediately my district leader called on me to
comment on some things and I felt the spirit while I testified of
things and then I felt the spirit as another missionary bore their testimony!
it was great! I love the Lord!
Well family I hope you are having a great week and I hope
that you had an awesome 4th! I love and miss yall
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